Automobile Negligence
The Law Office of Thamir A.R. Kaddouri, Jr. P.A. has handled varying types of auto negligence cases which have varied from minor damage claims, to more complex and significant damage claims, including pedestrian accidents, multi-vehicle accidents, and motorcycle accidents.
Whether the claim involves a minor soft tissue injury, a more complicated catastrophic injury, or even a wrongful death case, TAMPALAW can effectively and efficiently handle your case. We have experience in handling first party, third party, underinsured, and uninsured claims.
One of the critical steps in representing parties involved in an accident includes preserving evidence. It is important to ensure that you timely document the scene conditions at the time of the accident or as soon thereafter as possible. Oftentimes there is a short window of opportunity to record and/or preserve the scene, vehicles, or witnesses statements before the scene is contaminated or the passage of time eliminates the indicia of reliability.
In many of the cases we handle, TAMPALAW retains experts to assist in facilitating an understanding of the accident scene and its cause. Oftentimes these experts observe, document and interpret extrinsic conditions which may explain the cause of the accident, actions taking by the parties involved, and opinions as to the forces and impact involved as a result of the collision.